Sep 24, 2014

Dating older guys

It's been awhile since I've actually went on a date with someone older and it excites me a little because ever since i dated him, I never thought of dating anyone older and I forgot how nice it was to go on a date with someone older. Well, I'm actually looking at all the perks of going out with someone older although it was just one date.

  1. He makes plans with you instead of saying "anything,up to you" . Its like you tell him what you want roughly, he would think over and come up with something that compromise the needs of both of us. (Super plus point)
  2. He pays super a lot of attention to you. (Me likey) I love how he pays attention to even to the smallest details about you. Ok the right word would be how attentive he is. Super attentive ah! Like really tiny details of your needs is taken care of.Walau! Super touched lorr.
  3. How clean his house is. OMG! The houses/room of all the boys ( younger guys) I visited is a nightmare but older man or guys tend to take really good care of their crib.
  4. All the cool gadgets that they have. So awesome! Guys will always be guys and with them working and earning, they have the power to spend and buy whatever they want and the amount of awesome gadgets they have is just over the top!
  5. Their house is like Doremon's pocket. It's like whatever you need, he has it at home. Like how sick I was and he you know had all these medication from Chinese to Western. It makes you feel like home. 
  6. He tuck you to bed. Put blanket on you, boiled some Chinese Herb thingy, make you drink it and pat you on the head for finishing it. You know that warmth feeling make you all fuzzy inside.
  7. He knows how to cook a dish or two like cooking porridge for you coz you're as sick as fuck and he knows it suck being sick and all alone with your family away from you so he downloads cartoons, let you sit in the living room, eat your porridge while watching cartoon and feeds you. 
  8. He spoon you to sleep. Nothing sexual he just spoon you to sleep. Making sure you're comfortable and all.
  9. He wakes up earlier than you, make you Milo and bring it to the room for you as you watches him getting ready for work. (Sexiest thing ever!)
  10. A real man does his laundry, knows how to clean up after himself and still look good.
I think i might be in love with this guy already.Seriously why?!Why do i keep on thinking that only younger guys can keep up or tolerate my shit.It's so not true. Older guys know exactly when and how to spoil you and make you happy. Honestly this is one of the best first date ever. While on the couch I was thinking to myself is this all a show? Is he just doing this to impress me but if it is he wouldn't be so attentive. I don't know, maybe it's been awhile since someone actually taken such good care of me. I wanted to cry. So touched.

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