Dec 9, 2010


i miss u so muchie!2010 is gonna end and we haven't meet up yet since u came back from aussie!very sad and angry!newayz i am bored now and very fed of doing my stupid lousy chibai assignment so i tot wanna blog about us :) teehee how we became friends and so close i don't know how but it was awesome to meet u and i miss partying with u,talking random shit with u and oh oh oh remember the time we skype when u're in aussie?hehehehe argh!this is hard!i miss u,smita and mini!WHEN ARE WE GONNA MEET AGAIN?!writing this post is harder than i though coz i miss u guys so much and it hurts.i wish u guys were here.imagine if we're all in the same college studying the same stuff :) HAHAHAHAHA imagine the hell other ppl have to go trough with ur bitchness!!hehehehe then we can make a cheer team and u be cheer captain like what smita says in fb the other day.imagine how fun would that be?HAHAHAHAHAHA

dear i love u and miss u very muchie.u are one of the greatest&most vulgar friend i ever meet.u have problems with virginal and it sound vulgar everytime it comes out of ur mouth but that's what makes u karl.u bring life to party and partying without u is no fun coz there won't be nonsense to talk and laugh about.u have the nicest body to touch!so soft like pillow :) and u act like an oscar winner and u never fail to put a smile on my miss......i miss u........*SIGHS* love u and *finger crossing really hard* that i'll meet u and the rest soon.muaxx love u

❤siew ee

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