Dec 4, 2010

10 monthsary

ok i know most of u are probably sick of me mentioning of my monthsary but i can't help it.i love to post about my monthsary :) so this time Mr D brought me to this place called "No Eye Deer" HAHAHAHA what a name i sound like no idea.Hahahaha so me and Mr D ordered the dinner set.

me hot was raining that night (it's raining every night now in penang) the chocolate was so so ni.

the mushroom soup.forgive the colour.
my chicken something i forgot.

Mr D's sausage meal.

hahahaha their tomato sauce bottle!damn freaking big eh!!!
the upside ice cream.

Mr D and I very chan punya face.forgive the faces.the flash was not doing us any justice.

Overall the food was ok only la.if i had i choice i won't go back and eat lorr......that's my taste la.what about other people i don't know la.newayz after the dinner we watched "Social Network".i've been longing to watch this month for months!ever since i saw the trailer on youtube.
ok the movie i not my cup of tea to be the beginning of it,it kinda bore me but towards the end ok la.the guy is a freaking youngest rich man now!!!take that!although many said that the story was exaggerate and all....but ok la....for money,fame and power....who won't sue their friends to be part of it?if u like intellectual film,this might be ur kind of movie coz i think the main actor talk too fast!!

so that's all we did for our monthsary.hahaha ntg special just us going out on a dinner date like always having a good time in each other's company.boring people i know but that's just the way we are :)

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