Aug 2, 2010

hard rocking

what do u do on a friday night?when it's ur friend's birthday?yupe.u club.but there were only 3 of us.lazy wanna club plus i am bored of penang's we decided to go hard rock cafe.rm30 coverage charge including a drink.there's a menu of drink u can choose from.

mine was barcardi tasted more like sprite more.the barcardi apple xiao yu ordered taste better hahahahaha

we were like little children because only 21 and above could enter after 10.30pm so we were little child go so excited that we kept changing place to sit so we can enjoy the whole view of the place and yes to take pictures hahahahaha finally we found a spot whereby we could watch the band live from the top.

the view from our sitting area.not bad huh?
trying hard not to laugh at those shameless uncle
our bodyguard of the night

all the pictures taken inside and we got so bored because the uncles beside us got high on songs like poker face and so on.uncles just wanna syok sendiri.hahahahaha we got so tired laughing at the uncles,we decided to bail and walk around the hotel to take more pictures.
xiao yu say she loved the bling bling baju
i wish we could bring this back to our home

a must to take the big guitar i guess?
a picture with mr king of pop before we left.

and yupe that's it!that's all we did and we got hunger.we went and grab a ramly burger ate and went home.all in all it was a good relaxing night instead of cramming ourselves in club and waste money with lousy music?hope xiao yu had a great time celebrating her 21st birthday with me :)

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